The aim of the Commonwealth Productivity Commission is to provide the government with independent research and advice on economic, social and environmental issues affecting the welfare of Australians.
Currently, the commission is conducting a review of Human Services, Introducing Competition and Informed User Choice into Human Services: Identifying Sectors for Reform Issues Paper, which includes housing.
CHIA and the state and territory peaks have been very active in the Human services review, delivering multiple submissions throughout the process.
The commission released a draft report on June 2, and is expected to deliver a final report by October 2017.
The most recent submission from CHIA, along with the state and territory peaks, was lodged in July. You can download the joint community housing peaks submissions below.
CHIA CEO Peta Winzar and CEO of the NSWFHA, Wendy Hayhurst, gave evidence to the Commission’s hearing in Canberra on July 25.
Joint community housing peaks submission response to the Productivity Commission draft ‘Introducing Competition and Informed User Choice Into Human Services: Identifying Sectors for Reform Study Report’.
Joint community housing peaks submission to Productivity Commission ‘Introducing Competition and Informed User Choice into Human Services: Identifying Sectors for Reform Study Report’ – February 2017
Joint community housing peaks submission to Productivity Commission ‘Introducing Competition and Informed User Choice into Hum-an Services: Identifying Sectors for Reform Preliminary findings report’ – October 2016
Joint community housing peaks submission to Productivity Commission ‘Introducing Competition and Informed User Choice into Human Services: Identifying Sectors for Reform Issues Paper’ – July 2016